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About me
like a song am blowing with the wind yet feeling like a stranger .am new here , still don't know what to share ,
justI enjoy what you share .
Occupation: to calm down stress
About my collections
am a composer , never have been a proff ,just growing old beside my piano and electric guitar and its sounds . yet guitar duellers are wellcome :)
anyway enjoy all types of musics ,
am addicted to the books .
usually prefere documentary movies .
4 votes
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(2 items)Person list by triadarp Last updated 7 years, 5 months ago
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triadarp posted a comment on this image

"when someone enjoys what she or he is doing , there's something different in her or his smile , like this ."
7 years, 5 months ago
triadarp commented on a list

"thank you for collection , just coz i've gone to iran many times and know abit about iranian communities ,i can see you don't know real persian ( iranian ) beauties ."
7 years, 5 months ago
and some of my other lists :)